Sunday, April 27, 2008

Forever and Always

Today marks an anniversary that is hard for me to imagine. I lost my dad ten years ago today. I don't want to write a sad post that will bring people down, but I don't want the day to go by without acknowledging what it means. Being without him has been my life since I was 19, but it seems impossible that he has missed so much in those 10 years. Thankfully I had him for my high school graduation and the beginning of college. But I didn't have him when I finished college, got engaged (he met Donnie once), got married, got my first real job, finished graduate school, got pregnant, found out we were having twins, had the boys (two grandsons!), celebrated their 1st birthday... and those are just the highlights. And MY highlights. My sisters have all had him missing at the same sort of life experiences.  And then there's the little things, like not being able to tell him about the great vacation we just had. 
So today, I guess I am just feeling the hole that is always in my heart. I miss him.  I still ache inside at times. But mostly, I just remember how much he loved me. And I love him, too. 
Forever and always. 


Anonymous said...

I love you.


Anonymous said...

i love you
