Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A petting zoo and a giant sandbox, too

We attended the Tulsa State Fair last night for the first time since the boys were born. We, of course, enjoyed some good food (darn those pork tenderloins for eluding us until we had already indulged in something else!) Donnie and I strayed somewhat from the typical fair food and went sort of cultural with our gyros and indian taco :)  And the fried pickles may have ranked higher than Goldies!  
We had limited time, so we stuck mainly with the activities for the kiddos. (Mom, Donnie only got to watch one demonstration- the salsa maker. He couldn't find the Vita-Mix!) We threw them in a giant sandbox and walked them through a pretty impressive petting zoo, the highlights of the night. 
this is only half 1/4 of the sandbox. 
Kiefer acted like he didn't want to get dirty. yeah, right. 
Reagan dug right in. Well, right after I sat him down in the sand and placed tools in front of him because he wouldn't move at first. 
Reagan L.O.V.E.D the animals. We seriously had to keep him from trying to climb in the pens. Donnie was holding Reagan when he first spotted a giraffe, and Reagan started kicking like crazy, trying to get to it!

Kiefer, not so much. He was very hesitant and held on tightly. (We did get one piggy noise from him when we saw the pot-bellied pig. I think he was a little freaked by this one and all of the baby pigs nursing! They seemed overly exited!) 
Cutest. picture.ever. He was so excited to feed the goats. 
More feeding of the goats with Grandma Duntley
He only ventured towards the cage for the baby chicks. 
Waiting for Alyssa and Tori on a midway ride. Clapping to the music. 
Wondering why he isn't in bed at 8:30! 
We had a good time, but I still stick to my guns that it pales in comparison to the world-renowned Iowa State Fair.  Yeah, that's right. Named the second best summer vacation spot in the US, only second to Las Vegas.  Next year, Team Duntley will be visiting the Butter Cow
while eating various foods-on-a-stick

Monday, September 29, 2008

Strep visits again

I don't know why Strep loves me. I hate it. 
I've had it at least once a year, for as long as I can remember. What adult gets Strep this much? 
The bad news is that is was awful. So bad that I endured the walk-in clinic on Saturday morning. I spent the rest of the day in bed. I wanted to stay as far from the boys as I could. The good news is they had a good weekend with Dad. They had a fun morning with Dad and the grandparents and then after nap, they didn't know I was home. It was funny, Donnie kept sneaking into my room to see if I needed anything.  I finally got up and spent about 45 minutes with them before bed.  
Sunday was still pretty bad so Donnie took the boys to church and I slept. By noon, I had been on my antibiotic for over 24 hours, so I ventured out to sit with everyone for lunch and then put the boys to bed.  This morning, I am feeling much better. Still yucky, but much better. 

I did get a chance to read Twilight, a book some people have wanted me to read for a couple of months. I was told it was a page-turner and I hadn't wanted to invest time in it before this weekend. But since I had 24 hours to do nothing but lay in bed, I figured I'd see what the hype was about.    

So several of our plans for the weekend were cancelled because of ol' sickey, but we are coming up on a very busy week!  Trips to the fair, nice dinners, and ol' sickey here turns 30!  I'm just glad Mr. Step decided to visit last weekend instead of this weekend when we get to go visit my family! 

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mental health days and other random thoughts

+ today would have been a day that I called in sick to work. I miss that perk. I may have mentioned that in the past. 
+ this coffee is not helping
+ I wonder how old my boys will be before I want to stop kissing them and squeezing them and telling them I love them every 7 minutes.  
+more importantly, how old will they be when they make me stop doing that. 
+ I turn 30 next week and it really hasn't fazed me. I wonder if that's denial or acceptance. 
+turning 31 may be worse because my mom was 31 when she had me and I always thought that was old. 
+I have a 20% off and $10 coupon to use at Gap and I don't feel like going. shoot. 
+I have to do laundry today or the boys and I won't have anything to wear tomorrow. Its been a very long time since that has happened.
+I don't remember mosquitos being a problem heading towards October, but they are still hanging out around our house. Sometimes sneaking inside still. 
+Elmo just sang a lullaby and I think I fell asleep a little. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Accessories and other intriguing things

Mr. "Poh Poh" put away for the night. 
One piece left behind. 
Put to good use...
For a really long time...

TV on. 
Daddy flipping channels.  
No one really paying attention. 
Until something caught this one's (now clearer) eye.

And he couldn't look away...

And this one started cheering... 

And then this one cheered... 

Pretty colors. 
Fun music. 
Everyone clapping... 

for Dancing With the Stars. 


Monday, September 22, 2008


We're grateful the surgery went well.
Take care of yourself during your recovery. 

(had to add the nose-picking shot)


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long blog for a long day.

and its only 10am.... 

Donnie had a men's retreat to attend this weekend with some guys from church. He was supposed to be home from work for about an hour before heading out. So we waited for him outside. 

Turns out he was stuck at work and would be late.  He got home in time to change, grab his bag, give and get some hugs, give a couple boys a short ride on his back, and off he went.  Reagan tried to make him stay. 

Shortly after he left, I decided we needed to leave, too. It was a little muggy for the park, so we headed to our indoor back-up, the mall play area. The boys played hard. Kiefer was accidentally knocked down by an older boy, and Reagan came running, pointed and told the boy "No!" and then hugged his little brother. Precious. Already sticking up for each other on the playground. Kiefer started something new... he'd climb up to the top of the firetruck and then yell "Ma-ma-ma!" and wait for me to wave, and then he would slide down.  He did it every time, and every time it made me smile.  Well, a little while later, Reagan got his leg caught underneath him on the same slide and cried almost the same "Ma-ma-ma!" and then decided he was done playing.

We got home, had a successful bedtime, and I cracked open a Fresca and headed to check my email.  I stumbled upon this blog and couldn't stop reading.  I finally went to bed, thankful that Donnie's only gone for one night. 

We sent Donnie a message this morning before breakfast. Its no fun having a Saturday morning without Daddy. 

We had our usual Saturday Morning Pancakes but Kiefer Bug didn't eat more than a few bites. My first thought, "uh-oh."  The only time he doesn't eat breakfast is when he's not feeling well. He can leave or take lunch or dinner any time, but breakfast he loves.  Sure enough, as Reagan was in the other room playing, and I was doing the dishes, I heard a cough, then a gag, and then a splash to the floor. I'll spare you the rest of the details, but it started on one end of the kitchen, resumed in the middle, and finally stopped at my feet by the dishwasher.   I stripped him down, cleaned him up, assured Reagan everything was going to be okay, and put Kiefer on the couch with a towel to hold just in case.  Then headed to the kitchen. If you know me, you know there's almost nothing worse than being around the stinkiness of throw up. But I'm getting pretty good at it.  Well, okay at it.  I don't throw up myself while cleaning it anymore. And somehow, Kiefer has chosen to do this when Donnie is not around, a.lot.  So anyway, got it cleaned up and realized Kiefer was already up and playing again.  He seems to feel fine.

 Maybe hopefully it was a one time thing. 
Either way, I've cancelled our big plans for the day. We were supposed to go to the Greek Festival with Stacey. Not risking it. Although it breaks my heart to stay away from the falafels and hummus. We also had big plans to go to Target. I need to exchange the wrong water pitcher filters I bought the other day for the right ones. Another day of impure water.  The only thing worse than not having Donnie around on a Saturday, is being stuck in the house, anticipating more throw up.  We'll at least venture outside, as we've been having the most perfect weather during the day.  

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hello, Daddy? Show me the money!

There was news early this morning that the stock market would be on the up-swing today. 
Reagan and Kiefer wanted to be in on it.  I wonder how much Sesame Street stock Kiefer bought with his Elmo phone?

"Buy! Sell!"   "Buy!  Sell!"


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Four Separate Conversations...

within 2 hours of each other at the mall today... 

1)    lady in Bath & Body: How old are your boys?
me: They're two.
lady: (confused look)
me: They're twins. 
lady: Oh, I would have never guessed. 

2)    lady in Macy's: Oh, they are so sweet. How much younger is this one? 
(pointing to Kiefer)
me: About 30 seconds.  (I never want to sound sarcastic or condescending when answering this question, but I really never know if they are expecting "one minute" or "one year") 
lady: Oh, they are twins?! Oh my.  They look nothing alike. 

3) lady by the play area: You have some handsome fellas. How old are they? 
me: They're two.
lady:  Oh? They're both two?  So they are really close in age. 
me: uh, yes. They're twins.
lady:  NO!  That one's so much bigger*!
 * by so much bigger, she must have meant 3/4 inch in height and 4 pounds in weight

and then...
4)    lady in the elevator: (while Reagan is giving her "the eyes")  OOoohh... they are so much fun.  How old are they?
me: Two
lady: I thought they were twins.  They must be identical


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

These shoes are made for walkin'

A very-favorite thing to do of Kiefer's is walking around in our shoes.  Even if its mommy's high heels.  (I wonder how old he'll be before we decide he should probably stick with Daddy's shoes.)


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hard day's night

We were just talking to friends last night about how Mondays can be hard. Its like every weekend is time off of our day-to-day, so Monday is spent getting back on track.  I know for my boys, just having Donnie back at work, makes the day less-perfect.  Today was Reagan's day to be g.r.u.m.p.y.  Overly sensitive. A big cry baby. However you want to put it.   Luckily, he slept away some of the grouchies during his nap, because he was a brighter boy come 4:00.  

Donnie, too, had a hard Monday, but for other reasons. Brokerages going bankrupt, being bought out. The Market nose-diving. People calling in, worried.  Its a stressful time in the financial world.  Luckily he had me, Kiefer, and recovering Reagan at home waiting. 

So, we packed some pb&js for the little guys, hit the Bueno drive thru for the big kids, and visited the park for a picnic and some play time.  

And now, sleeping babies. And the Cowboys on Monday Night Football.  All is right with the world.  (Or at least until next Monday) 

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Presidential Day

I (surprisingly) told very few people before today's events, because we weren't really sure it was going to happen until last night. But it did. And now I will tell everyone that wants to listen :)  I have many more details and stories than what I will put here. 

Today, Donnie and I met President Bush.  And if you know me, you know that really is a dream come true. A "bucket list" item crossed off.  First of all, it is an honor to meet any President of the United States, especially a sitting President. I've never been fortunate enough before today.  But for me, meeting George W. Bush... amazing. 

And I know some of you reading this have strong feelings against him, but I have very strong feelings for him. I would be honored to meet any President, but I feel truly blessed to have shaken Mr. Bush's hand, looked him in the eye, and thanked him for his service. Thanked him for doing what he knew was right when everyone else (changed their minds) and said it was wrong. Thanked him for keeping my family safe for the last 7 years and one day. Thanked him for sticking to his strong convictions and moral code. Thanked him for being so stinking cute and funny. Okay, I didn't get to say most of those things, but I would have.  

The whole thing started when we got an email from the OK GOP with an invitation to the fundraising event. There was a high ticket price, so we thought we'd try to pull in a favor. Donnie emailed my cousin, Barry* who is part of President Bush's administration, to see if he could get us on the list. He said yes.  We got into the event, got to chat with Barry for awhile, got to meet President Bush, shake his hand, and have our picture with him. And then we listened to him speak for a good 25 minutes. His speech ranged from support for John McCain, to Laura, to his new son-in-law, to the war, to the Oval Office, to his critics, to his faith, to past historic Presidents. Afterwards, we got his autograph and some closer pictures. We will have a professional picture, but we have to wait a while to even see it.**  We got some okay pictures with our own camera. 

The whole thing... Surreal, exciting, unbelievable. 

Barry's official title is Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs. That means he's really important. But he doesn't want you to know that, and he likes for you to not know who he is. We were unbelievably grateful for him pulling strings. But really, when your work address is "The White House" and you arrive at events via Air Force One... how many strings are there to pull?   

**In the car, on the way home, we were talking about what we said to him and I said "I don't even remember looking at a camera" Apparently Donnie doesn't either. So I might be gazing into the President's eyes in the picture. Who knows.

with Barry
Presidential motorcade 

Barry introduced us to Senator Coburn
We talked to Congressman John Sullivan 
(I guess he should have kept his sunglasses on for the picture)

speaking (a little blurry. shoot)
signing autographs

view from the back of the home 

Dream Come True

Can you see who is in the background!? 

(More pictures to come)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

On this particular Thursday, 

I am thankful for my husband. 

I am thankful that it was just the 61st floor. 

I am thankful that he followed everyone else down the stairs. 

I am thankful that he kept walking. 

I am thankful that he had friends with him.

I am thankful that he made it home safely. 

I am thankful that we've had 7 more years together since that day. 

I am thankful for the men and women that have kept us safe each day. 

Locally, nationally, and internationally. 

I am thankful for the men and women that are serving to continue to keep us safe.

I am thankful for the President doing the right thing. 

I am thankful to have been born in a country that serves its people first.  

I am thankful to be an American. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


becoming quite the pros

sharing their snack with their puppies

and my favorite, cheering for the food processor 

(I've been trying to find a picture to prove something here, but I've run out of time for now. Tell me BOTH boys don't look like CARSON in the 3rd and 4th pictures. We've said Kiefer before, but man, look at Ray's jawline, eyes and that smile! I'll try later to find one. If you have one, email it to me!)