Thursday, April 10, 2008

Opening Pitch

Hi friends and family!!  Welcome to Team Duntley's home base!  I'm new to the blog thing, but I've been thinking about trying it for awhile. I spend lots of time reading my friends' (and strangers') blogs and getting insight into their daily lives. I also spend a lot of time "blogging in my head," thinking about how I would share the daily goings-on with anyone that would be interested. SO, if you are interested, please visit me often. I promise to talk about my boys. I promise to share funny and meaningful stories. I promise to share what kinds of things God's doing in my life and those lives around me. And I promise lots of pictures.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read about our life from your perspective. You're the funniest person I know so this is a great idea.
- The MVP