Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday,Babies Big Boys!

You make me smile. You make me laugh. Out loud. Everyday. Sometimes I look at your sweet face and want to squeeze you until I can't squeeze anymore. Reagan, I love your kisses. Your freely given, not-asked-for kisses. I love how you pat my back when we hug. Kiefer, I love your hugs. Your tiny arms around my neck and tiny legs around my waist. 

You are TWO and you are big boys. You run and play and slide and swing and drive your car and color and build and brush your teeth and use forks and play in your tent and buckle yourselves in your seats.  You are becoming very independent and I am very proud of you.  (Please just remember that even though you are TWO, you are still only two.  You still need Mommy and Daddy for many things. And we are happy to be there for you) 

I just looked at pictures from the day you were born. Daddy and Mommy were so excited but also a little scared. We were taking 2 babies home with us. What were we going to do? But we've done it. And I can't wait for another year of big-boy activities and learning and having fun as a family. 

I love you. Forever and always no matter what. 



Anonymous said...

Ham & Cheese,
I also love your laugh, love your hugs, love your kisses, love your spunk, love your tenderness, love your smiles, love your togetherness and your are very special boys and I look forward to watching how much you change this coming year! Happy Birthday boy's!

I love you!!!

4under3 said...

That picture is so sweet! Can you even imagine what they feel for eachother..being a twin and all?!?

What a sweet letter. I'm off to go get a box of tissues.
