Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Dad, 

I wish that you could actually read this. I wish that I wasn't just writing this to process these emotions that I have and struggle dealing with.  

I wish that you could read this blog so you could keep up with my life, and my boys' lives. 

And I wish that after 11 years, this would get a little easier. But it hasn't. In fact, I think it has gotten harder. Its harder because of these two boys that bring me so much joy and so much meaning to my life. Its harder because you don't know them, and they will never know you.  

I will make sure they know who you were, but that just doesn't seem good enough. Its not good enough that someone else will take them on their first fishing trip. Its not good enough that you won't get to do any of the Grandpa things that I know you would have loved so much.  

Its harder because you weren't able to be Grandpa to my boys, but you were never able to be Grandpa at all. Bailey turned 10 yesterday, and you were never able to hold her. Hannah never got to "pull your finger." Carson never got to sit down and watch a football game with you. Olivia will never get to play Doctor with you. 

I wish that I didn't have to write these things here, I wish you were here to see them. 

I wish you knew that your grandson, Reagan, is the sweetest boy there ever was. I wish you could look at his baby pictures side-by-side with your baby pictures and see how he favors you. I wish you could hear him sing and whistle, because I know you would whistle right along. 

I wish you knew that your grandson, Kiefer, is the funniest kid around. I wish you could look at his toddler pictures side-by-side with your toddler pictures and see how he favors you. I wish you could hear him laugh and laugh right along.

I wish you knew how stubborn they both were, because you'd laugh at me and tell me its paybacks. 

I wish they could sit on your lap. Give you hugs. Play hide and seek with you. I wish you could take them to the lake. Take them to a game. 

But you can't. And that's why it keeps getting harder. Because you never will.

And more than anything, I wish I could sit on your lap. Give you hugs. I wish you could take me
to the lake. Take me to a game. 

But you can't. 

I love you and I always will



tric said...


Kim said...

Love you

Cheri said...

I totally understand, it has now been 16 years for us and last year was the year I realized I have now lived more years without Dad than with him and in some ways it does get easier, but I agree that in many ways it just keeps getting harder. It's interesting you wrote this today because I was actually thinking about my dad today in the same way. You are great and I love you!

Deana said...

Talk to your boys about him, let them know what a great person he was, how much he would love all of his grandkids and how much he loved his family. I know you keep him close and honor his memory and he wouldn't want anything else. I love you very much, all of you.

Chris Lennon said...

I'm only beginning the lonely journey of a lost parent. My Best Friend, my hero, my inspiration, my only person in the world that totally loved me unconditionally for me and understood me! My Mom was the Best ever in everything in my eyes! Andi, I wish so badly every day that she was back here and not up there! Selfish I know, but that is why it hurts so bad! Your Dad was great too! I remember him well! Kind, loving, playful and a wonderful Dad all around! We are very lucky to have had such wonderful parents! We really are! I hear it gets easier from so many, but thank you for making me feel human by telling that it really doesn't! A gift from God! A wonderful Gift that we will have forever, they're just out of sight for a little while~eternity is forever, and we will get there! They are just checking out the path to make sure that everything is as perfect for us as it is for them! I remember what you spoke about your Dad all the time...Daddy's Hands.....Andi, I have cried many tears thinking about just that. You are remarkable, you touch so many lives! I see your Dad in you and I was just a little girl myself. He is there watching and he does know your boys and your boys will know him. Not in the capacity we would like, but I know that he has already touched their lives through you! Your loving touch and your awesome parenting! Lots of Love, Chris

RachD said...

I am crying right now, this letter was so sweet. I wish he had the honor of knowing your boys, neices and nephews because they are all great kids. I am sure he looks down and smiles at all of it.

Jessica Hill said...


Tonight I sat down with Jacob and looked through photos of his grandpa and talked about him and where he is now - in heaven with Jesus.

So hard...
