Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bug has a bug

Kiefer Bug has been sick since a sudden onslaught of a stomach bug yesterday. And the onslaught happened to take place in the Jeep. Of course. And then the kitchen. And then the bathroom. And then the crib.  He didn't get sick after 3pm yesterday and held down 2 saltines and some water at dinner, so I gave him some cheerios and water this morning. Nope. Shouldn't have done it. Cheerios all over his Elmo couch. (Okay, no more details) But its so hard, because he's hungry and thirsty. Last time he had this, he didn't want anything, so there was no trying to explain why he shouldn't eat or drink. I gave him a couple of bites of Ray's grilled cheese at lunch, 1 cracker and water. I just couldn't help it. He wanted more, too. He was streaming tears, pointing at the sandwich. It's been two hours and he's peacefully sleeping- so far, so good. 
I remember being sick as a kid (not this young of course), but I remember throwing up to be the worst. Its scary, its gross, and I feel there's nothing I can do to help him.  I think these are the times that its sort of surreal being a mom. When I'm taking care of my sick baby, remembering what my mom would do for me. I'm the one that can comfort him and take care of him. I'm the one he reaches for when he hurts. I'm the one that wants to make him feel better.
And we feel bad saying this, but we enjoy how he is snuggly when he doesn't feel well. I sat and rocked him, while he was awake, for over an hour yesterday. I haven't done that since he was an infant. He wants to just sit on our laps and that is very unusual for him. So, even though he feels horrible, I am loving the extra snuggle time. 
I am praying it skips Reagan altogether. I don't think that's been our luck once yet, but this could be the first. 

(oh, and to add to the horribleness... our washer quit working. Hopefully its an easy fix for someone that knows what he is doing, but until then, I will be making another trip to Stacey's for laundry tonight) 

(oh, oh... a big thanks to Aunt Rachel for babysitting last night in the middle of it all. We had a dinner obligation and she was a trooper. She got lucky because he kept his crackers down and she didn't need the extra t-shirt I put out for her. And she got the extra snuggles!) 

(oh, oh OH! and by "obligation" I mean, a wonderfully-mouth-watering-couldn't-be-better-dinner-coupled-with-good-wine-and-even-better-company-experience. We HAD to go) 

1 comment:

RachD said...

Thank you for the comment about babysitting, it made me happy. I am not going to lie I love the extra Kiefer snuggles! :)