Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Weekend

It has been a few days since I posted. Here's what I've been up to:

1. playing with the (3) boys at the mall play area when it was still 90 degrees at dinner time
2. meeting a weird-ish mom of twins who asked too-personal-when-I-don't-even- know-your-name questions
3. finding outside toys at garage sales
4. napping while the boys slept and Donnie got a haircut
5. eating at my f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e sushi place
6. laughing at Donnie ordering a Cosmo
7. trying the new Pink Berry rip-off, Fresh Berry, and being somewhat disappointed
8. chatting with my mother and father-in-law after their "babysitting" duties
9. shopping online
10. skipping the outdoor church service because of the dark storm clouds
11. replacing batteries in flashlights and lighting candles as the electricity went on and off
12. holding the boys at the front door so they could watch the (very heavy) rain and (very strong) wind
13. having an afternoon ice cream treat
14. watching a matinee of Sex and the City with my fabulous cousin Erica
15. reflecting on a great weekend


Anonymous said...

Hey, cool--I didn't know you thought I was "fabulous"... must be the SATC vernacular wearing off.

p.s. I think you're fabulous too!! :-) love you!!! maybe we'll go order a manly drink sometime to combat our husband's lack of drink a jack neat.


Donnie said...

(1) I had fun with you this weekend, especially with the extra day due to said weather.

(2) I like Cosmos from time to time, and I'm not afraid to admit it!
I can't wait to drink some nice wine tonight with you.