Thursday, June 5, 2008

In a Pickle

I love pickles. They are a favorite food. (I'm not alone in this, as it seems to be a family thing.) As a kid, I would fill a cup with pickles and call it a snack. As an adult, I get giddy when I walk into a movie theater/skating rink/ball park and see the big barrel of huge pickles. I know I'm not alone in drinking the juice out of the pickle jar (admit it!). BUT I did think I was alone in making pickle popsicles. I used to pour the pickle juice into empty ice cube trays and suck on the cubes with complete satisfaction.  I thought I was the only one craziest enough. Apparently Bob is, too.    Check it out. 

If only I had been a child entrepreneur. 

side note: I recently read about a Pickletini. One part Pickle juice, one part Vodka. Sounds like a dream come true. I haven't tried it yet, but I have it from a good source that it is indeed yummy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha...that's great!! Lets get a case =)