Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, 

I guess I'm not quite old enough to understand just who you are supposed to be. To me, you seem like a big, hairy man, dressed in a really silly outfit. It is quite frightening, actually. I keep hearing about you and how you are a jolly fellow that brings joy. All the other kids seem so excited to see you. Well, we've met three times now, and I'm just not getting it.  
The first time, I was way too young, but I know Mommy wanted a picture of me and brother on your lap. This year, Mommy just set me on your lap and expected me to be happy. (I did enjoy the cookie, though. Thank you.) Now I'll have two pictures for Mommy to show until I'm 18, of me screaming on your lap. And yesterday, you just showed up at my preschool, in the middle of our Christmas party! Good thing Miss Jennifer let me hold her tight until you were outta there!
The weirdest part is my brother seems to like you now. He was standing in line with all the other kids, waiting to see you. (At least that's what my teacher told Mommy. I couldn't see him since I had my head buried in Miss Jennifer's chest.)  Oh well. 
I heard a song say that you were coming to town. I have to confess that I have cried and pouted a lot this year. And I've been naughty. But I've been nice a whole lot, too.  We'll be at Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Wayne's house on Christmas Eve, in case you can't find us. (Just please make sure I am nestled all snug in my bed before you come in. I am trying to like you, but maybe we should wait to try again next year.)  My Grandma makes really good cookies, so we'll leave some of those.
I don't need anything special. I'm sure Mommy and Daddy got us some warm Christmas jammies. My grandparents and aunts and uncles get us all kinds of fun stuff, too. Maybe... you could help my brother be a little less naughty next year. :) 
Thanks Santa.  God bless you. 

Your (maybe some day) friend, 

Reagan Andrew 


Anonymous said...

hee hee

RachD said...

Oh my gosh this made me smile... if Reagan could say stuff to santa I am sure this would be it. :)