Friday, December 5, 2008

Identifying My FEELINGS

At work, I do groups with about 8 kindergarten kids. (3-4 in each group) 
We usually work on identifying feelings. What makes you sad? When are you happy? What do you do when you are mad? etc, etc. And etc. etc. A.n.d etc.  Okay you get the point. 

Well yesterday was a bad day for me all around. From the time I had to get up early (for me), and spilled coffee on myself in the car, to the bratty kids I counseled went round and around with all day, to my own lovely 2 year olds with a less-than-an-hour-nap refusing to listen to anything I said, to missing socks and cell phone chargers, and burned out Christmas lights and old pumpkins still on the front porch.  Well it got a little better towards the end, but I thought I would still process my FEELINGS from the day. 

I was WORRIED about how people would get ahold of me without my cell phone since it was dead and I was missing the charger
I was SAD that a question like "What would you do if you got separated from your family at the mall?" was answered with "Go to foster care" by a 4th grader. 
I was CONFUSED by how snap peas plus carrots plus my coffee left a barbeque taste in my mouth. 
I was MAD when a 5 year old threatened to slap me in the head while yelling at me for 45 minutes. 
I was AFRAID that I would still be hungry after I threw away half of my gross soup for lunch. 
I was HAPPY to see my boys when I picked them up at "cool" and heard they had a good day
I was PROUD of myself for going to Kickboxing since I've missed it for a couple months.
I was EXCITED that Donnie got the Christmas lights up outside. 
I was ANNOYED that a peer thought I had a bad day because a 5 year old was "mean" to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which is worse... eb calling me an acquaintance or you calling me a peer.

Your peer is used to it.