Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I just sat with Kiefer and gave him his breathing treatment (while he slept peacefully. It is actually pretty nice being able to do it while he sleeps, because I rarely get to hold him like that. He's not a big snuggler.) 

I looked at his little face, covered with the mask, and I didn't think about what an inconvenience it was, or what I would rather be doing. I just thanked God that this is a temporary thing and we should be in the clear by the weekend at the latest. I thought about how truly lucky Donnie and I have been with our boys and their health. I can't complain about a little croup and respiratory viruses. There are parents that have to do these treatments every day, several times a day. There are children with much more serious problems than this. There are mothers sitting in hospitals right now with their children, praying for their health. 

As I think back, using a nebulizer is probably the most serious thing we've done with either of our children. (Not counting the difficulties of getting them to eat and digest as newborns, of course) Other than that, its been some medicine here, some drops there.  Not even a trip to the ER in their  2+ years. And to think we started it all with full-term twins, weighing a combined total of 13 pounds! Not a single worry from day one. We have been blessed with healthy babies from the beginning, and I am grateful. I am grateful to God for watching over them and protecting them each day. 

Now, I am also grateful that its Donnie's turn to get up at 3am for the breathing treatment because it was a killer when I couldn't go back to sleep last night for over 3 hours!!  

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