Friday, May 2, 2008

And Guess What Else?

My nephew, Carson, is collecting the Quarters of the United States. He only has 4 states left to collect. If you come across New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska or Hawaii, set it aside for me. 

Carson called me yesterday to ask a question about something he was learning about in school.  We talked for 17 minutes and 43 seconds. That's a long time for a 7 year old! And that's a lot of "and guess what else?" I now know that Peruvians eat a lot of potatoes, including red potatoes; if you are lost in the jungle/woods/deserted island, you can eat elephant, goat tentstico (translation: testicles), snakes and fish soup; you can gut a camel and sleep in its skin to stay warm; you can't fly a toy plane unless there are no trees; and the Sex and the City girls were coming up on Oprah (his mom was in on that one). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my boy =)