Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hello, Boss?

People ask me all of the time if I miss working. Today, my answer is yes. But I don't miss the working part, I miss the not working part. I miss the sick days. I miss the mental health days. I miss calling the boss and saying I'm not coming in and then having no responsibilities for the remainder of the day.  I guess I have to come up with my own solution to what a day on the couch used to cure. So I'm gonna finish this cup of coffee, put on our tennis shoes (oh, and get out of our jammies) and go for a walk.  Hopefully that will be a start to curing my mental health. :)  


Anonymous said...

If I didn't have so much to do today (I know, right?), I would have stayed home. I love you.

Anonymous said...

I like to take an hour (sometime more) every once in awhile and lay in bed to read or watch television. I tell Joe and the kids I'm off the clock and I lock the door. Olivia might bang on the door a little, but Joe remind's her that it's Mommy's day off. Works for me.