Friday, September 12, 2008

A Presidential Day

I (surprisingly) told very few people before today's events, because we weren't really sure it was going to happen until last night. But it did. And now I will tell everyone that wants to listen :)  I have many more details and stories than what I will put here. 

Today, Donnie and I met President Bush.  And if you know me, you know that really is a dream come true. A "bucket list" item crossed off.  First of all, it is an honor to meet any President of the United States, especially a sitting President. I've never been fortunate enough before today.  But for me, meeting George W. Bush... amazing. 

And I know some of you reading this have strong feelings against him, but I have very strong feelings for him. I would be honored to meet any President, but I feel truly blessed to have shaken Mr. Bush's hand, looked him in the eye, and thanked him for his service. Thanked him for doing what he knew was right when everyone else (changed their minds) and said it was wrong. Thanked him for keeping my family safe for the last 7 years and one day. Thanked him for sticking to his strong convictions and moral code. Thanked him for being so stinking cute and funny. Okay, I didn't get to say most of those things, but I would have.  

The whole thing started when we got an email from the OK GOP with an invitation to the fundraising event. There was a high ticket price, so we thought we'd try to pull in a favor. Donnie emailed my cousin, Barry* who is part of President Bush's administration, to see if he could get us on the list. He said yes.  We got into the event, got to chat with Barry for awhile, got to meet President Bush, shake his hand, and have our picture with him. And then we listened to him speak for a good 25 minutes. His speech ranged from support for John McCain, to Laura, to his new son-in-law, to the war, to the Oval Office, to his critics, to his faith, to past historic Presidents. Afterwards, we got his autograph and some closer pictures. We will have a professional picture, but we have to wait a while to even see it.**  We got some okay pictures with our own camera. 

The whole thing... Surreal, exciting, unbelievable. 

Barry's official title is Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs. That means he's really important. But he doesn't want you to know that, and he likes for you to not know who he is. We were unbelievably grateful for him pulling strings. But really, when your work address is "The White House" and you arrive at events via Air Force One... how many strings are there to pull?   

**In the car, on the way home, we were talking about what we said to him and I said "I don't even remember looking at a camera" Apparently Donnie doesn't either. So I might be gazing into the President's eyes in the picture. Who knows.

with Barry
Presidential motorcade 

Barry introduced us to Senator Coburn
We talked to Congressman John Sullivan 
(I guess he should have kept his sunglasses on for the picture)

speaking (a little blurry. shoot)
signing autographs

view from the back of the home 


kristin said...

that is SO COOL! how exciting for you guys! can't wait to see the professional pic!! so GREAT! i'm so jealous right now!

Anonymous said...

I would have asked Barry for clearance to HUG the President. I'm sure the President gets that all the time ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you (despite my jealousy!) that you had this honor. What a thing to get to tell Kiefer and Reagan when they're older!!!

Anonymous said...

that had to be so amazing to actually get to speak to a seated president! i am so jealous

Anonymous said...

that had to be an absolutely amazing day! i am so jealous