Saturday, September 6, 2008

Need prayers

Please pray for this situation. 

A friend's son, Ethan (5), is in a Colorado Children's Hospital, and he is very sick.  Its been a week long ordeal, but it comes down to this: 
Ethan is in the PICU in critical condition. As of last night, the doctors had an unofficial diagnosis of  necrotizing fasciitis, commonly known as "flesh-eating bacteria."  It is a strain of Strep that mutates and begins killing the body's tissues.  He went into septic shock yesterday because of the toxins in his body. His blood pressure has been extremely low and they put in a central line to send medication right to his arteries.  They have said all of his lymphnodes on one side of his neck are dead and it is spreading to his face. The doctors have mentioned to Bob and Amy (parents) that an aggressive treatment would be "removing part of his neck and face" to remove the bacteria.  They may have him intubated  by now, as it may have spread to his esophagus. The doctors have told Bob and Amy that there are treatment options to pull Ethan through this, but they don't want to give "false hope" as he may not survive.  **Update**They haven't had to intubate him because he is still breathing on his own this morning. However, his kidneys have started to shut down. There has been no output from the kidneys and he is extremely swollen because of it, which also means the kidneys are not flushing out the toxins. They will probably do dialysis today.  

Please pray for this family and pass this on to anyone you know will pray.  Thank you. 



Anonymous said...

Andi, you don't know me, but i am your sister tricia's best friend, missy. our kids go to the same school. i am sooo sorry to hear about this adorable little boy, as soon as tricia told me i have been praying for a positive outcome for all involved. i will continue to pray and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!!! Remember, miracles do happen, and the lord works in mysterious ways!!!!

4under3 said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'll keep this little guy in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

What an awful thing for Ethan and his parents to be going through. We will be praying for them as it is heartbreaking to see anyone in the hospital much less a small child. God Bless this family as they lean on Him for their strength and peace.
